Navigate the universe of private companies

Valu8 company intelligence is a European platform for accelerating Private Equity and M&A target and buyer origination. Explore and analyse private companies, from aggregated sector analysis down to detailed individual company data.

Valu8 is available via login platform access or data API access.

Winner – The Drawdown Awards 2023: CRM & Deal Origination

Data driven Deal Sourcing

Valu8 enriches the traditional layers of data with alternative web-based data layers and company keywords to improve segmentation and data quality.

Detailed Company Data

Each company profile contains comprehensive  financial, ownership and other company data needed to make informed decisions.

Machine Learning & AI

Our advanced search engines combine traditional and alternative data layers with sophisticated machine learning and AI to suggest sector relevant company clusters and company similarity scores.

Intelligent Features

Industry driven features include interactive dashboards, regional M&A and PE newsletters, PE & VC database, and more.

Sprung from Scandinavian tech innovation

Entrusted by more than 90% of the Nordic Private Equity community.

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