We are happy to announce the most recent data addition of +2.5 million business descriptions for German private companies, now available in Valu8’s database for German private companies. Soon also available and searchable in both German and English.
For more information, please contact:
Karl von Baumgarten, Chief Data Officer, Valu8, +46 73 800 14 83, karl@dev.mvp-dev.com.ua
Jonas Åberg, Head of Sales, Valu8 +44 77 248 092 57, jonas.aberg@dev.mvp-dev.com.ua.
About Valu8: Valu8 Company Intelligence founded in 2011, is a primary research tool for private company data in Europe focused on the Private Equity and M&A industries, enabling our clients to accelerate their deal-making process from origination to execution. We have developed our platform with active client feedback and strive to have a proactive approach to serve our customers’ needs.