FINVIA receives EUR 20m from HANNOVER Finanz and other investors

Acquisition, Domestic deal, Private equity deal – Venture capital Basis der Multi Family Office Dienstleistungen von FINVIA ist die digitale FINVIA Plattform. Um den Wachstumstrend zu verstärken und die Technologie-Plattform weiter auszubauen, lässt FINVIA sich nun vom Eigenkapitalpartner HANNOVER Finanz und weiteren renommierten Investoren unterstützen. Click here to read the press release Target – FINVIA Family Office GmbH […]

Spicehaus announce their latest investment in TieTalent

La plateforme dédiée aux professionnels de la technologie a annoncé avoir clôturé un tour d’investissement de 1,2 million de francs suisses pour accélérer sa croissance internationale. Le tour de table a été mené par Spicehaus Partners et a impliqué d’autres investisseurs tels que le Fonds d’innovation de la Banque cantonale de Schwyz et plusieurs business […]

Paragin backed by Main Capital Partners acquires SOWISO

The Hague, 24 March 2022 – Paragin, a leading education technology (“EdTech”) software company based in the Netherlands that provides solutions for the development of competency, knowledge and talent of students and professionals, today announces that it is partnering with leading mathematics software specialist SOWISO. The collaboration is backed by software investor Main Capital Partners […]

Elvaston acquires Dietrich’s Technology AG

IMAP advised the shareholders of the leading German CAD/CAM software provider for timber construction, Dietrich’s Technology AG (“Dietrich’s”) on the participation of the private equity investor Elvaston Capital Management. With this transaction the founder Mr. Emmer realizes his succession while Johann Baptist Lindner remains engaged with the company as CEO and shareholder. Click here to […]

ALLEGRA CAPITAL GmbH has sold its portfolio company Pirobase Imperia GmbH

A holding company advised by ALLEGRA CAPITAL GmbH successfully sold its portfolio company Pirobase Imperia GmbH to a Swiss IT company. The holding company advised by ALLEGRA CAPITAL had acquired Pirobase Imperia in 2015 from the Cancom Group. As a portfolio company of the holding company, Pirobase Imperia became a leading provider of customized enterprise […]

Deutsche Beteiligungs AG invests in akquinet AG

Frankfurt am Main, 21. März 2022. Die Deutsche Beteiligungs AG (DBAG) investiert in die akquinet AG (akquinet), einen deutschen Anbieter umfangreicher IT-Dienstleistungen. In einem Management-Buy-out (MBO) wird der von der DBAG beratene DBAG Fund VII alle Anteile der rund 70 Aktionäre, darunter auch zwei Unternehmensgründer sowie akquinet-Mitarbeiter, erwerben. Die DBAG wird an der Seite des Fonds […]

Hamilton Apps joins Round2 Capital portfolio

With their provider Hamilton Apps French Scale-Up HDS provides B2B software dedicated to Smart Workplace management. For nearly 20 years these solutions create more pleasant and efficient workplaces through innovation and seamless user experience.  Round2 is continuing their investment strategy focusing on European Scale-Ups with a new investment in France. Coming from a security-oriented solutions background, Hamilton […] raises USD 120m

Online recruitment was one of the early and big hits of the first dot-com boom. But with more and more business processes moving online, online job search is the gift that keeps on giving, and so today comes news of another portal raising a big round to take on the incumbents in the space with […]

H.I.G. WhiteHorse supports Waterland’s buyout of RUF Group

LONDON – March 16, 2022 – H.I.G. WhiteHorse, a credit affiliate of global investment firm H.I.G. Capital (“H.I.G.”) is pleased to announce that it has arranged a financing package for RUF Group (“RUF” or the “Company”), backing its buyout by Waterland, a leading top-tier European private equity investment group. Click here to read the press release
