Kerry acquires c‑LEcta GmbH

Kerry Group plc (‘Kerry‘), the global taste and nutrition company based in Ireland and listed on the Euronext Dublin and London Stock Exchange, today announced it has reached an agreement to acquire 92% of the issued share capital of c‑LEcta GmbH (‘c‑LEcta‘) for a consideration of €137m, with management to retain the balance. Click here to read the […]

PREMIUM Equity Partners acquires Human Med AG

Funds advised by PREMIUM Equity Partners, Frankfurt am Main, have acquired Human Med AG, headquartered in Schwerin. Human Med AG is a leading global manufacturer of medical devices for patented waterjet-assisted liposuction (WAL) applied, among others, to the treatment of lipedema and in the regenerative medicine sector. Human Med employs a permanent staff of 56 […]

Main Capital Partners acquires QLogic

Stockholm, 10 February 2022 – Björn Lundén, a leading Swedish accounting and financial administration software provider, is partnering with QLogic AB (“QLogic”). QLogic is active in the time, project and expense management space and is known for its cloud-based solution QBIS and IT support. This acquisition was backed by leading European software-investor Main Capital Partners (“Main”). […]

FloodFlash raises USD 15m Series A

New York, NY, FEB 10, 2022: FloodFlash, the parametric insurance technology company that pays catastrophic flood claims within 48 hours, today announced a Series A raise worth $15 million. The round was led by Chicago-based Buoyant Ventures with San Francisco fund Munich Re Ventures (MRV) featuring as an investor as well as commercial partner. Sony […]

Protix raises EUR 50m

LUXEMBOURG, Livestock farming requires large quantities of protein-rich feed, often made with fish meal or soy, which contributes to overfishing and deforestation. The Dutch company Protix ( farms larvae from black soldier flies (BSF) and processes them into  natural and sustainable ingredients like protein and fat. Organic waste from the food industry serves as feed […]

Scandit raises USD 150m in Series D funding

Scandit, a Zurich, Switzerland-based smart data capture company, completed a Series D funding round of $150m at a valuation in excess of $1 billion. Click here to read the press release

instagrid receives USD 33m in Series B

Ludwigsburg, 09.02.2022 – instagrid, Spezialist für mobile Hochleistungs-Batteriesysteme im professionellen Bereich, gibt heute seine Series B Finanzierung in Höhe von rund 33 Millionen US-Dollar (rund 29 Millionen Euro) bekannt. Die Runde wird angeführt von Energy Impact Partners (EIP), eine in den USA ansässige Venture Capital Gesellschaft mit Fokus auf nachhaltige Unternehmen im Energiesektor. Die Gesamtfinanzierung von […]

Geoterra Gruppe AG acquires Acht Grad Ost AG

Formed through mergers of several different companies, Acht Grad Ost AG today counts as one of the leading Swiss engineering companies. It offers a wide range of services in the fields of geomatics and infrastructure management. In addition to the traditional cadastral surveying, the company also provides construction and engineering surveying as well as geoinformation […]

Radancy acquires Firstbird

Our transaction team at Venionaire Capital is proud to announce another exit of the European Super Angels Club (ESAC). ESACs syndication fund EXF Alpha, invested in Firstbird roughly 3,5 years ago and will return investors a significant return due to this exit, which is currently in the European FDI approval phase. Co-investors of European Super Angels Club, […]

Bid Equity’s JustRelate acquires Planware

Die von BID Equity aufgebaute Digital Experience-Plattform JustRelate Group aus Berlin übernimmt die Münchener PLANWARE Beratung & Software GmbH, einen Experten für Produktkonfigurationssoftware. Durch diese Akquisition gelingt der JustRelate-Gruppe ein weiterer wesentlicher Schritt, um Kunden eine integrierte Plattform für die Digitalisierung von Vertriebsprozessen bieten zu können. Click here to read the press release
